Hey mama, ready to learn some easy tricks to add glute and core strengthening to your weekly routine?  Yes, I know you are incredibly busy.  Even if you are not a mom yet, you’re likely still busy and feel like there is minimal time in your schedule to add another task to do.  So let’s […]


December 19, 2022

The Easiest 5 Exercises To Try

Hey mamas!  One of the most common injuries around Christmas is unfortunately back pain due to all the lifting we do.  If you think about it, a mother lifts a lot of things.  That’s a lot of lifting.  If you have kids you are likely dealing with any range of small to large toys… If […]


December 12, 2022

Lifting without Pain this Holiday Season

When I pull out my kit for dry needling, many people look at it and ask if I do acupuncture. Although the needles are the same, dry needling is very different from acupuncture. There are a lot of different articles about each of these types of modalities, but honestly unless you talk to a health […]

Medical Information

November 19, 2021

Dry Needling: Explained from a PT’s perspective