Welcome to today’s blog! The topic of conversation is going to abnormal periods or menstrual cycles. I really wanted to follow last week’s blog up with this one due to the fact that this is where a lot of young females live with significant pain and functional issues due to symptoms of their periods being […]
March is endometriosis awareness month so naturally the first blog is going to be another educational post on the condition of endometriosis. According to WHO, around 10% of all women and girls are diagnosed with endometriosis, and honestly this is probably an underestimate. In many countries, the general public and most front-line healthcare providers are […]
If you feel like you may be suffering from endometriosis, then I want to reassure you that there. is. hope. The journey to being diagnosed with endometriosis can be long, stressful, and unnerving with the “unknown” hanging in the air. However once you are diagnosed there are often not too many answers given to you. […]
Endometriosis is considered an incurable disorder where endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus during the menstrual cycle. In a normal menstrual cycle, the endometrium grows tissue inside the uterus, and then it’s sloughed off during the period. Endometriosis can be painful due to the tissue that builds up and does not have anywhere to go. […]
When women are asked where their baby is in their belly, most cannot answer. When you ask young girls or young adult women what the uterus is, they honestly have no idea unless they have had advanced anatomy classes. The uterus is an organ that plays an important role in female reproduction and menstrual cycles. […]