Hi!! I am so excited to announce that Knox Physio Orthopelvic is officially live! This dream could not have been possible without the help of so many friends and family, but before we get to that… I want to shed some light on how this dream came to be, and why. I remember the exact day, and the exact seat I was sitting in at Honeybee (local coffee shop in Knoxville) when a dear friend and I were talking about concierge physical therapy. I had honestly never considered the idea, but the more I listened, and pondered this idea, the more in love with it I became.
Knox Physio Orthopelvic is the first concierge, mobile therapy practice offered in Knoxville, TN and surrounding areas. Women’s health is my true passion, and I am so excited to start this journey to better serve my community!
Now that the website is officially live, you will be able to see a formal list of services, my top resources in the area for various fields, and my amazon wishlist that contains items I commonly recommend to patients! There is also a contact page if you have any questions and would like to reach out, I would LOVE to hear from you!
Thank you Jordan Ashley for being an amazing friend through this process, and for being an amazing brand designer! Girl, you can work magic. Thank you for bringing my dream to life.