The past two weeks have been filled with happy news of babies being born! However there was also an experience of a mother losing her baby after she was born… We alway hear the good news, or see the good side of things on social media. There is so many posts about pregnancy announcements, gender […]
The past 2 months have been a whirlwind! Knox Physio has been ever evolving and building a community of amazing resources here in Knoxville, TN. Today (I’m typing this out on the night of March 26th) Knox Physio was a part of the open house at Scruffy City Doula in Fountain City/Knoxville, TN. It was […]
Postpartum – from the Latin phrase post partum “after childbirth,” from post “after” + partum, accusative of partus “act of giving birth, childbirth. New moms are constantly searching for tips, tricks, and ways around the negative aspects of postpartum life. They google, search on Instagram, or even follow certain accounts on TikTok nowadays. It is […]
The fourth part of this series is going to cover the natural process of “Labor”. Now labor can happen many different ways and feel different for every woman. This is the phase that is the most unpredictable, and it is often a source of stress for new mamas. Disclaimer: This blog post is written in […]
The third trimester is like the climax of a story that leads to the final ending: labor & delivery. In the third trimester there are quite a few more visual physical changes in a mother’s body. The baby has begun to take over the majority of her abdomen, thus making the belly more profound than […]
You never understand Life until it grows inside of you. -Sandra chami kassis The second trimester is usually the favorite trimester for women. This is when your bump is beginning to gently show, but your pants still fit with an extender! Your shirts are becoming a little tight, but your bump is so adorable, you […]
One of my favorite topics to discuss with patients or other healthcare practitioners is the process of pregnancy and the process of labor and delivery. So I think it would be great to begin an educational series on each of the trimesters during pregnancy, and then the phases of labor. Women, in most cases, would […]
When I pull out my kit for dry needling, many people look at it and ask if I do acupuncture. Although the needles are the same, dry needling is very different from acupuncture. There are a lot of different articles about each of these types of modalities, but honestly unless you talk to a health […]
Pelvic floor physical therapy is an unknown field to most of the general population, especially depending on what city and state you are located in. Not only that, but the people that are aware that pelvic floor physical therapy exists, they think it’s purely for women who have had babies. There is a vast demographic […]
Hi!! I am so excited to announce that Knox Physio Orthopelvic is officially live! This dream could not have been possible without the help of so many friends and family, but before we get to that… I want to shed some light on how this dream came to be, and why. I remember the exact […]